Changing a Renter from a Tenant to a Co-Signer or vice-versa is simple.
Both the Landlord and the Renter can adjust this. In this article, we will cover how to adjust this for the Landlord.
How to Change Renter Status on the Application
If you navigate to Applicants, and click on View Applicant, you will be met with 4 separate tabs. In these tabs, you will see Summary, Application, Screening Report, and Messages.
To edit the Profile, we will need to click "Application" and it will show the renter-submitted app:
When you click "Edit", it will allow you to update the Renter Status:
TurboTip: Remember to Save Changes!
Changing a Renter from a Tenant to a Co-Signer or vice-versa is simple. By following the instructions above, a landlord can quickly stay on top of their rental applications.