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Why Can't My Tenants Can't See Their Rent Charge?
Why Can't My Tenants Can't See Their Rent Charge?

Learn the different reasons your tenants may not be able to see their rent charges.

Kaelyn avatar
Written by Kaelyn
Updated over a week ago

Setting up automatic rent payments with TurboTenant is free and easy for landlords. When you create recurring rent payment charges, your charge is automatically posted to your account 15 days before the due date, with automatic reminders set up 7, 3, and 1 day before the due date. If your tenants are unable to see a recurring rent charge you believe is set up, there may be a few reasons why.

1: Your Recurring Charge Has Expired

When you create a monthly rent charge, you can pick a beginning and ending date for the charge, or choose no end date for the charge. If you add an end date to the charge, this charge will automatically expire on that date and no longer be posted. You can see your recurring charge's charge details by going to your Leases tab in your portal, selecting which lease the charge is for, and going to the Payments section of that lease. From there, you will see under "Upcoming Charges" the monthly charge details. You can select the edit pencil to view more details of the charge as well, such as the end date of the charge.

If you do not see a charge under "Upcoming Charges" then it is likely your recurring charge has already expired and you will need to create a new recurring charge.


Monthly charges do not automatically update when addendums are created and signed. You will need to edit the recurring charge, create a new recurring charge for your tenants, or select "No End Date" for the charge so you can end the charge in the future when you are ready and for your tenants to keep receiving rent charges.

2: Your Lease Profile Has Expired

Just like monthly charges, the dates of your lease profile do not automatically update when an addendum is created and signed. A lease profile can be thought of as similar to an old-school file folder and is how we will store documents as well as payment history and any maintenance request records. The lease profile is also how we link the renter to their Tenant Portal. The dates of your lease profile are listed in the Leases tab and in the lease profile details when you click on the name of the profile.

If your lease profile end date is not set up to go month-to-month after the lease termination date, or if the dates are not updated after an addendum is signed, the lease profile will be converted to a Past Lease, and your tenants will not be able to pay any charges.

To change a lease profile from a Past Lease to an Active Lease, you will want to go to the Leases tab, select "Past at the top of the page, select the lease profile name, select the gray "Edit" button on the upper right corner, and select "Edit Term." Once you save these changes, the lease profile will become an Active lease again and your tenants will be added back as Active tenants, where they can pay any posted charges on the account.

You can go to the Payments section of this lease profile to view your recurring charge information to ensure the dates are correct or set up a new charge if needed.

3. Your tenant may need to re-authenticate their bank login credentials.

If a renter using the TurboTenant Mobile App reports that they cannot see the "Make Payment" option, and you have confirmed that the charge is visible on your end, instruct them to log in to the TurboTenant mobile web version or use a computer to re-authenticate their bank login credentials. This is not something that you as a landlord would see on your end.


  • If you have already created an addendum for the lease date changes, you can select "Maybe Later" when prompted after changing the end date.

  • If you change the lease terms after the due date for the recurring charge has passed, you may need to set up a one-time charge for your tenants to pay for that month.

4. Your tenant's payment has failed, and the system has not yet updated the charge.

Sometimes, a tenant's bank may notify them of the failure before our payment processor updates TurboTenant. We recommend they wait until they are notified by TurboTenant of the failed payment, which is when they'd be able to resubmit their payment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: If my tenants had autopay set up but the lease profile ended, will they need to set up autopay again?

A: Yes, if your lease profile was a past lease and then made active again, your tenants will need to set up autopay for the recurring charge again.

Q: If I extend a recurring charge, do my tenants need to set up autopay again?

A: No, if you extend or edit the original recurring charge, your tenants will not need to enable autopay again. If you create an entirely new charge, they will need to enable autopay for the new charge.

Q: Can my tenant update the autopay amount?

A: No, your tenant cannot change or update the autopay amount. Only the landlord can change the amount.

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