You can share your property listing and/or locate the URL link in two ways:
On the web:
Step 1 - Log in to your TurboTenant account and click on the Properties tab:
Step 2 - Click on the name of the property that you'd like the URL for.
Step 3 - Select the Marketing tab and copy the listing URL located on the right-hand side:
Note: If the rental doesn't have a listing associated with it yet, you'll need to complete the listing setup first.
You can set up your listing by clicking Complete My Listing under the Marketing tab.
On the TurboTenant mobile app:
Step 1 - Log in to your TurboTenant account and click on the Properties tab at the bottom of the screen.
Step 2 - Click on the Share Listing button under the Property you wish to share, or click on the Property itself.
Step 3 - Within that Property profile, you can copy the link directly underneath the Listing Page section.
TurboTenant Pro Tips
Make sure your property is accepting applications. If the property isn't accepting applications, any renter who lands on the listing page will see a message that says the property isn't currently accepting applications, and won't be able to apply or submit a contact form.