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How to Enable Autopay for Your Tenants’ Rent Payments
How to Enable Autopay for Your Tenants’ Rent Payments

Allow your renters to pay recurring charges automatically with only a few clicks.

Kati avatar
Written by Kati
Updated over 4 months ago

Do you use TurboTenant for rent collection or other monthly charges? Do you want to allow your tenants to schedule automatic payments on their recurring charges?

TurboTenant is pleased to offer Autopay, a feature for landlords that allows their tenants to put their recurring rent and utility payments on autopilot.

Don’t have rent payments set up yet? Here’s our guide on how you can get started with collecting rent on TurboTenant.

Setting Up Autopay

Autopay is controlled on the lease level, meaning you can enable or disable this feature on any lease within your account. You’ll be prompted to allow Autopay during the rent payment set-up process, or after you add your first monthly or one-time charge to a lease.

Here’s what that pop-up will look like:

To enable Autopay, mark “Allow” to the second question: “Allow Autopay?

To disable Autopay, mark “Don’t Allow” as your answer instead, and Autopay will not appear an option for tenants on the lease.

Adjusting Autopay Settings in Your Account

Here’s how you can toggle Autopay on or off at any time in four steps:

1. From your TurboTenant Landlord Dashboard, click on the “Leases” tab in the left-hand column.

2. Your existing or upcoming leases should be listed on this page. Click on the lease for which you want to adjust automatic payments from your tenants.

3. In the upper right corner, click on the “Edit” icon.

  • To enable Autopay, mark “Yes” to the last question on this page: “Allow tenants to automatically pay recurring charges on this lease?

  • To disable it, mark “No” as your answer and Autopay will be turned off for the tenants on the lease. This means the option to set up automatic payments on their end will be revoked.

5. Click “Save Changes.” And voila! That’s all you need to do on your end.


We recommend letting your tenants know about this feature if you’d like them to utilize it. Here’s an article you can send their way that shows them how to set up Autopay (or for you to take a peek at, too if you’re curious about what the feature looks like from a tenant’s perspective).

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