How do I access my archived applicants, leads, and tenants?

In this article, we’ll show you how to access an archived lead, applicant, or tenant and how you can unarchive them.

Melissa avatar
Written by Melissa
Updated over a week ago

Accessing Archived Applicants


2. Navigate to the Applicants section within your account, using the button on the left side of your screen.

3. Click the black arrow to open the drop-down menu. Select 'See Archived Applicants'.

After selecting an archived applicant, you send them back to the main applicants page by clicking 'Unarchive Applicant' or view other archived applicants by clicking the 'Back' button.

Accessing Archived Leads

1. Login to your account.

2. Navigate to the Leads section within your account, using the button on the left side of your screen.

3. Click the black arrow to open the drop-down menu, and then select 'See Archived Leads.'

After selecting an archived lead, you send them back to the main leads page by clicking 'Unarchive Lead' or view other archived leads by clicking the 'Back' button.

Accessing Past Tenants

1. Login to your account.

2. Navigate to the Tenants section within your account, using the button on the left side of your screen.

3. Click the black arrow to open the drop-down menu, and then select 'See Past Tenants.'

Once you have a tenant selected, you can add them to another lease or go back to see other archived tenants by clicking the 'Back' button.

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